Liverpool - 0151 321 0655 Affordable Building Projects

Correction Of Misaligned Column

Correction Of Misaligned Column

Do you have a misaligned column? Do you want a correction of this misaligned column? If so, then carry on reading this article and you will not only find out how this is to be done but you will also find out why you should choose us to fix this problem.

Depending on why the column has moved, we may need to remove the column and replace the foundation if the foundation has damage to it and is causing subsidence.

Alternatively, we could just replace the column if it’s the column itself which is causing the problem and needs aligned.

Correction Of Misaligned ColumnNo matter what structural work you need we will carry it out for you for an affordable cost. The most common structural work we carry out in Greater Manchester is to perform chimney breast removals and the main work we carry out in Merseyside is to carry out lintel repairs.

So, no matter what structural work you need we will carry this out for you, big or small we will carry out all forms of structural work. Ranging from fixing small cracks in domestic homes to installing multiple very heavy and large structural steel beams into a commercial property to structurally support it, we carry all of it out.

Now you may be wondering why you should choose us instead of other contractors, the main reason why you should choose us instead of other contractors is because we are not just general builders, we are structural specialists. Due to us being structural specialists we are experts at structural work so if you contact a general builder, they will not have the experience or the expertise that we have as structural specialists so you would be best to just contact us instead.

When it comes to structural specialists, we proudly call ourselves the best because of our fifty customer testimonials on the accredited and prestigious ABP website, where the national average for structural specialists is under ten. You can see all of our customer testimonials on the ABP website if you click here.

Also, if you click here this will take you to our website where it will show you a range of all the structural services that we offer which include correction of misaligned columns, performing wall knock throughs and removing chimney breasts plus much more.

If you want to see a more in-depth article about our correction of a misaligned column, click here and this will take you to another article we created which talks about the process of correcting a misaligned column.

To conclude if you are located in Merseyside then call us at 0151 321 9880 or you can call us at 0161 401 0226 if you are located within Greater Manchester.




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